Dr. Kim M. Filkins is licensed by the state of Indiana as a practitioner of acupuncture and she is recognized by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She first studied traditional Asian medicine at Yo San University in Los Angeles, California and then finished her training at Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in Racine, Wisconsin. She graduated from Midwest College of Oriental Medicine with two degrees, the first being a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and the second being a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. She received her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine at Pacific College of Health and Science, located in San Diego, California.
Prior to becoming a licensed acupuncturist, she studied at California State Polytechnic University, in Pomona, California where she received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Health. She was a registered veterinary technician in southern California for 15 years, giving her an extensive background in Western medical conditions. This combined experience of East meets West medicine has allowed Dr. Filkins to excel in her field by being able to recognize and treat Western medical ailments through the use of traditional Asian medicine. Dr. Filkins brings her experience and knowledge to Indianapolis, Indiana, with a multifaceted focus on mental health, pain conditions, chronic health issues, neurologic conditions and ophthalmologic issues.