While most people associate acupuncture only with needles, there is actually a lot more to this medicine. Acupuncture in just one component of the larger East Asian Medical system. Ear seeds, for example, are a popular form of herbal treatment, which…
If you’re dealing with a nagging cough due to a bout of cold or flu, or because of a chronic illness like bronchitis or sinusitis, fast relief from symptoms is a must. But what can safely and reliably ease a…
When the weather becomes cold and the snowflakes begin to fall, it’s safe to say that winter has finally arrived. For many, winter means retreating to warmer areas of the world and taking that long awaited vacation. However, many others…
As summer warms up and progresses, so does the possibility of experiencing heatstroke. But there are things you can do to help prevent heatstroke or even treat it, should it occur. East Asian Medicine (EAM) offers some tried and true…
The ears are frequently neglected, but they hold a special place in the heart of most East Asian Medicine practitioners. The auricle of the ear, the external, protruding part, is actually a microsystem that represents the whole body. The ear has…
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), all diseases involving the eye are closely related to the liver. It is also understood that the eye is nourished by all of the internal organs in the body. The lens of the eye…