Anybody who has worked with me knows that healing the gut is a big part of East Asian Medicine (EAM). In order for the body and mind to function properly, we have to receive and assimilate the proper nutrients. When…

Anybody who has worked with me knows that healing the gut is a big part of East Asian Medicine (EAM). In order for the body and mind to function properly, we have to receive and assimilate the proper nutrients. When…
There is a group of prescription and over-the-counter medications that are known as proton pump inhibitors, PPI’s for short, and a vast majority of people in the US take these every single day. Proton pump inhibitors reduce acid secretion in the…
Anybody who has worked with me is familiar with the term biofilm. But what exactly is a biofilm and how does it affect the body? And even more importantly, what can be done to counter the negative effects of biofilms? …