If you’re someone who suffers from chronic pain or you’re just a weekend warrior that tends to overdo it, this goes out to you. Botanical Biohacking has done it again and hit another home run with their newest formula – Ao Yi (pronounced “owie”).
Chronic illness and stubborn pain often stem from deep-seated stagnation, cold and excess dampness in the body, which naturally disrupts the flow of blood and energy (qi). Enter Ao Yi. This formula is an amazing blend of herbs that work at cutting through excess dampness, penetrating deeply and warming the yin meridians, where cold and stagnation tend to linger. By activating circulation and dispersing obstruction, this formula restores movement and warmth to areas that have remained stuck for far too long. This formula is a game changer for chronic pain, fatigue and deeply rooted imbalances.
Ao Yi is available in tea form and herbal patches. The tea provides systemic relief from aches and pains, working as an analgesic, an anti-inflammatory, a vasodilator and a muscle relaxer all in one. And all of this is achieved with just 3 herbs. One of the ingredients, Du Yi Wei, is the most powerful pain killer in Tibetan medicine. Not only does it help to remove dampness and stagnation, but it can also help with emotional blockages. The patches are a combination of active and inactive herbs that work in three stages to address pain and can be placed directly on strategic acupuncture points.
The stages that the patches work in are as follows:
Stage 1: Pain Relief & Opening the Exterior – Essential oils and aromatic compounds, like terpenes and phenols, act as penetration enhancers, helping other herbal ingredients absorb more efficiently, while also providing immediate cooling, numbing and circulation stimulating effects. Initially, you’ll feel cooling and warming sensations. This is the herbs activating to unblock stagnation.
Stage 2: Move Blood & Clear Inflammation – In this stage, moderately polar and medium-sized molecules, like alkaloids and saponins, will promote blood circulation, tissue repair and anti-inflammatory effects. This stage occurs within 30-45 minutes after applying the patches. You will feel heat moving down the meridians and throughout the body.
Stage 3: Tonifying & Dampness Removal – In this final stage, larger hydrophilic molecules, like polysaccharides and triterpenoids, begin to provide long term nourishment, reducing chronic inflammation and assisting with deep-seated pain and stiffness. This stage occurs around the 3 hour mark, when the herbs begin to nourish the yang and remove dampness.
The Ao Yi patches act more like an herbal poultice than a patch. This layered absorption insures immediate, sustained and long lasting relief. These patches work like a strong acupuncture treatment minus the needles. They stimulate the meridians, open the collaterals and cut through stagnation and dampness. These patches can remain in place and have been proven to be effective for up to 72 hours.
Both Ao Yi Tea and herbal patches are now available for purchase, provided your diagnosis points in this direction of healing. As with all Botanical Biohacking formulas, Ao Yi is made from the highest grade, quality herbs grown in the Tibetan mountains. The herbs are triple checked for purity and quality before being made into the herbal formulas. The formulations used in all of the Botanical Biohacking products are meticulously crafted and backed by centuries of herbal wisdom, coupled with cutting-edge science.
If you are already a patient at Zen Penguin Wellness and think this formula might be right for you, please bring it up at your next appointment or contact us directly. If you are not yet a patient and would like to find out more about this formula, acupuncture or East Asian Medicine, please give us a call. We’re here to help.