Most people have at least heard of acupuncture, but electroacupuncture, also known as E-stim (electrostimulation), might be a little less familiar. And to some, it might sound even scarier than acupuncture. Let me assure you, it is neither scary nor…
Bloating is a condition where the abdomen feels full and tight, and it is usually caused by excess gas. Or as I refer to it, Michelin Man Syndrome. It is a very common ailment that is experienced by 1 out…
Human beings evolved in connection with the earth’s energy. We walked barefoot and we slept in contact with the earth, never realizing that its surface contained limitless, natural, healing energy. Earthing or grounding is the act of bringing the earth’s…
Dampness is one of the causative factors that can lead to illness and disease in the body. To understand how dampness is a pathway for illnesses and diseases, it is noteworthy to see that the causes of diseases in accordance with East Asian Medicine…
Deriving from Africa and the family of lilies, aloe vera, one of the greatest healing plants in the world, has countless benefits beyond the healing of sunburned skin. This gel-filled plant also has miraculous health and hair benefits. In my opinion, of…