The season of winter is a time of slowing down and hibernation. According to Traditional Chinese Medical theory, the winter months are the perfect time to recharge your batteries and to start storing up the body’s vital energy reserves. The…
Have you ever gotten out of bed and wondered why a certain area was achy or tight, despite you not doing anything out of the ordinary the day before? It could be that you’re holding onto anxiety and stress and…
Let’s explore how acupuncture works from a western scientific perspective. There is no disagreement between the fundamental anatomical and physiological concepts of western and Chinese medicine. However, as methods of scientific inquiry have progressed, the mechanisms of acupuncture are beginning…
In Chinese medicine we talk about causes of disease and health imbalances in terms of excess and deficiency. The holiday season is typically a time of excess. Excess indulgence of rich foods, drinks and alcohol Excess activity: running around shopping,…
Before the feast begins, everyone around the table shares something that makes them feel grateful. It’s a Thanksgiving tradition in many U.S. families, but you might be surprised to learn that this simple exercise can have dramatic health benefits. A…
I think we all know someone, or maybe it’s even ourselves, who lives by the old adage, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” Often used to put off replacing outdated tools or technology, the phrase can be applied to…
The lymphatic system is something that is frequently mentioned, but many people never really understand what it is and why it matters. So let’s explore this a little more, in an effort to understand why you should care about your…
As we approach the time change and the longer, colder nights, many people start to experience a feeling of deeply rooted sadness. This is not an uncommon phenomena and it is appropriately names Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD for short.…
Breath is the link between the universal life force and our physical existence. It is thought of in ancient traditions as our link to the divine. The rhythm of the breath mimics the primal rhythm of the universe, the natural…
In the United States, an estimated 300,000 people a year die from obesity. In several studies over the last five years, researchers have shown patients who receive regular acupuncture treatments see faster weight loss results than those who do not.…