Transitioning from National Stress Awareness Month into Healthy Vision Month gives us pause to consider that one of the biggest contributors to vision issues is stress. And even though it sounds like a broken record, the best way to maintain…
February is known worldwide for Valentine’s Day. But it is also celebrated as National Senior Independence Month. As we age, it can sometimes become increasingly more difficult to maintain our independence and this is one of the aspects of aging…
About 33 million Americans in all age groups experience varying degrees of dry eye symptoms. The symptoms may include dryness, grittiness, irritation, burning and even the seeming contradiction of excessive watering or tearing. Untreated dry eye symptoms can also lead to…
Almost everybody is attached to a phone, laptop or tablet these days. And while it’s great to have everything instantly at your fingertips, our attachment to these screens is literally killing us. One of the biggest issues is how excessive…
As we transition from National Stress Awareness Month to Healthy Vision Month, it is important to keep in mind that controlling stress is one of the ways to maintain healthy vision. And while you may not want to hear it,…
March is known for St. Patrick’s Day. And while I enjoy a couple of cold green brewskies like everybody else, there are a couple of other reasons that March is significant. March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month, as well…
Did you know that how well your gut works is directly related to your vision and your brain? Healthy gut microbiota function is linked to normal central nervous system (CNS) function. The microbiota is defined as all microorganisms in a particular location,…
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), all diseases involving the eye are closely related to the liver. It is also understood that the eye is nourished by all of the internal organs in the body. The lens of the eye…
Dry eye is a common complaint at the optometrist’s office. Symptoms include dry, itchy, eyes. Causes of dry eye are diverse. Sometimes the root cause is treatable, and sometimes only the symptoms can be managed. However, dry eye syndrome is…
Age-related macular degeneration affects more than 1.75 million individuals in the United States on an annual basis. Most are told there is no help for their condition. Fortunately, MicroAcupuncture is an effective treatment that has helped many suffering from macular degeneration…