When somebody calls or comes in for their first acupuncture treatment, there are always lots of questions. It’s normal and completely expected. For most people, the idea of having needles placed all over the body, doesn’t seem logical, especially for…
Another February means another Valentine’s Day, with romantics all over the world flocking to the stores to find that perfect gift. But has anybody ever wondered why? Why do we make ourselves crazy over a holiday that is nothing more…
Many people who come in for acupuncture, rarely understand exactly how it works and they may have lots of questions. That’s ok. That’s also why an acupuncture degree is a four year Masters program. The way conventional medicine looks at…
As 2023 approaches, many people will be making New Year’s resolutions. It may be to lose a few extra pounds, live a healthier lifestyle, manage your finances better, be more mindful, going to bed earlier, work less or even spend…
In honor of November being National Diabetes Awareness Month, let’s do a dive into what this disease is and how East Asian Medicine can help. It is estimated that nearly 26 million men, women and children across the United States…
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!! Well, for me it is. This is my favorite season and my favorite holiday. And in East Asian Medicine, we have a category of acupuncture points known as Ghost Points. Seems appropriate…
National Pain Awareness Month is observed in September every year. Pain professionals and activists from all around the country get together to raise awareness about problems connected to chronic pain during this month. Chronic pain directly impacts millions of people…