As we transition into the shorter winter months and more hours of darkness, many people feel the all too familiar sluggishness and sadness that comes with the season. So it’s no surprise that sales of energy drinks like Monster actually…

As we transition into the shorter winter months and more hours of darkness, many people feel the all too familiar sluggishness and sadness that comes with the season. So it’s no surprise that sales of energy drinks like Monster actually…
As kids, most of us were told to always eat our greens. And our caregivers were simply following a long line of tradition. For thousands of years, humans have cultivated and consumed green plants. But why, exactly? It turns out…
One very important concept in East Asian Medicine (EAM) is the five element theory. This theory describes the basic elements (fire, earth, metal, water and wood) in the body and the inter-relationships of those elements found in nature. Each element corresponds to…
Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons that people seek out medical care. It can be caused by a variety of issues, from an ongoing injury to conditions like fibromyalgia. For many people, medication is the only way to…
Anybody who has worked with me knows that healing the gut is a big part of East Asian Medicine (EAM). In order for the body and mind to function properly, we have to receive and assimilate the proper nutrients. When…
According to East Asian Medicine (EAM), many chronic conditions can be partly contributed to stagnant blood circulation. Blood stasis / stagnation refers to the accumulation or lack of circulation of blood in the body’s channels, vessels or meridians. This article will explore…
Dairy is a natural food produced by cows to feed and fatten up their calves. Humans did not start drinking milk and eating dairy until the agricultural revolution about 10,000 years ago. In fact, humans are the only species that…
Arthritis is the leading cause of physical disability today. Currently, 22.2 % of Americans over 18 have been diagnosed with arthritis. That means that about 50 million Americans and the numbers are expected to grow in the next 20 years…
Many people don’t know much about the thyroid gland until they get diagnosed with some sort of metabolic disease. But this little butterfly shaped gland is extremely important and plays a major role in how our bodies function. And believe…
One of the secrets to the longevity of the Asian community is that they have always paid close attention to the seasons, particularly the availability of specific foods. And until the 1950’s, most people around the world also were subject…