East Asian Medicine and it’s most popular modality, acupuncture, work because they adjust the body through the main driving force, energy. In East Asian Medicine (EAM), it is sometimes referred to as qi (pronounced “chee”). Acupuncturists understand that when these pathways become blocked and the energy can’t flow freely, various health problems begin to appear.
According to Pacific College of Health and Science, which houses one of the best acupuncture schools in the U.S., “while some practitioners still follow the traditional philosophy of qi, others have also started incorporating a more integrative approach, supported by research and Western medicine principles. For example, many of today’s acupuncturists view the acupuncture points as places that stimulate nerves, invigorating the body’s natural pain fighting and healing processes.”
There are many common ailments treated with acupuncture including pain, allergies, chronic inflammatory conditions, digestive issues, neuropathy and even sleep disorders. Research also supports acupuncture in helping to support stronger immune and nervous systems. And just like anything else that you do, it can’t be done once and then forgotten. Utilizing acupuncture to improve health must be consistent and may take time. Here are five health benefits of consistent acupuncture treatments.
Stress Relief
With all the changes in the world over the last few years, people are desperately looking for ways to reduce the stress in their lives. Acupuncture helps to restore energy and balance by triggering nervous system responses to stress. Research has found that acupuncture lowers stress hormones and improves the mood to help reduce the feeling of anxiety.
Pain Relief
Acupuncture is often used as an alternative to a standard pain treatment options. After an acupuncture treatment, patients often find relief lasting from several hours to even weeks post-treatment, depending on the severity of the condition. Research has shown acupuncture to be effective for chronic pain conditions like migraines, arthritis, back and neck pain, plantar fasciitis, TMJ and more. Getting consistent treatments can help you keep the pain under control in a natural and pharmaceutical free way.
Improved Neurological Health
Mental clarity throughout the day can be a challenge sometimes. The brain fog that can come from stress, poor diet, pain or other health issues can rob us of productivity. And there are other neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s which can be life altering. Clinical research has shown that acupuncture and EAM can improve language and motor skills in patients with neurological issues, as well as relieve brain fog and improve cognition.
Improved Digestion
Many people today suffer from heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and other digestive challenges. Believe it or not, when your digestive system isn’t working properly, it can have an impact on your overall health. As mentioned previously, acupuncture seeks to establish balance throughout the body and this includes balance in the digestive tract. Consistent acupuncture treatments can help regulate digestive health, thus bringing relief from common issues.
Improved Sleep
Another benefit to regular acupuncture treatments is improved sleep. Now that your stress is less, your pain has decreased, your mind is clear and your digestion is on track, it only seems logical that your sleep will improve too. Should you suffer from insomnia or another sleep disorder, acupuncture has been proven to relieve the underlying issues that could be causing the disruption to your sleep.
If you are looking to achieve better overall balance in your life, consistent acupuncture treatments just might be the solution you are looking for. If you suffer from even one of the issues mentioned above, make an appointment today. And even after your major issues have been addressed, it is highly recommended that you continue with maintenance treatments to keep things balanced and in check. Just like changing the oil in your car, consistency will make all the difference in how well your body performs.