If you have a penis, there is a reasonable chance that you may experience a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED) at some point during your life. Erectile dysfunction is when an erection is achieved on an inconsistent basis, when an…

If you have a penis, there is a reasonable chance that you may experience a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED) at some point during your life. Erectile dysfunction is when an erection is achieved on an inconsistent basis, when an…
East Asian Medicine teaches that humans should live in harmony with the seasons. According to East Asian Medicine (EAM), there are five seasons – winter, spring, summer, late summer and fall. Each season has many associations that help us change our…
When it comes to self care and overall health, men tend to push things onto the back burner until they can no longer be ignored. But in particular during the month of June, men should really look at taking better…
Alzheimer’s is a fatal disease that kills nerve cells and tissue in the brain, affecting an individual’s ability to remember, think and plan. Ultimately, those with the disease will lose their ability to communicate, recognize family and friends and care…
About 33 million Americans in all age groups experience varying degrees of dry eye symptoms. The symptoms may include dryness, grittiness, irritation, burning and even the seeming contradiction of excessive watering or tearing. Untreated dry eye symptoms can also lead to…
You probably don’t think about your breath that often. It’s always there, in the background, when you need it. But paying more attention to how you’re breathing can make a big impact on your stress levels. When you’re stressed or anxious, your breathing tends…
Almost everybody is attached to a phone, laptop or tablet these days. And while it’s great to have everything instantly at your fingertips, our attachment to these screens is literally killing us. One of the biggest issues is how excessive…
Neurologic disorders cover a vast array of health issues. Everything from headaches to seizures, strokes to Alzheimer’s disease, and a whole lot of stuff in between, fall under the category of neurologic disorders. According to the World Health Organization, nearly…
As we transition from National Stress Awareness Month to Healthy Vision Month, it is important to keep in mind that controlling stress is one of the ways to maintain healthy vision. And while you may not want to hear it,…
The next time you’re in a wide open field, pasture or meadow dotted with beautiful yellow dandelions, know that these prolific little delights are not only beautiful, but packed with nutrition and offer a host of healthy benefits. Let’s explore…