East Asian Medicine and it’s most popular modality, acupuncture, work because they adjust the body through the main driving force, energy. In East Asian Medicine (EAM), it is sometimes referred to as qi (pronounced “chee”). Acupuncturists understand that when these pathways become blocked…
Sweating is an essential function of the body that helps to excrete metabolic wastes, cool the body down and moisten our skin. The way in which we sweat is affected by a lot of factors including diet, medications, mood, hormone…
As we move into the warmer summer months, it is very common to see more people enjoying ice cold drinks, popsicles, ice cream, salads and chilled fruit. And while these items may help keep you from overheating, there is more…
There has been a stigma about mental health for decades. And unfortunately, this stigma deters many people from seeking the help they need to deal with their mental health issues. Acknowledging that many suffer with mental health issues is a…
Most people have at least heard of acupuncture, but electroacupuncture, also known as E-stim (electrostimulation), might be a little less familiar. And to some, it might sound even scarier than acupuncture. Let me assure you, it is neither scary nor…
Bloating is a condition where the abdomen feels full and tight, and it is usually caused by excess gas. Or as I refer to it, Michelin Man Syndrome. It is a very common ailment that is experienced by 1 out…
Human beings evolved in connection with the earth’s energy. We walked barefoot and we slept in contact with the earth, never realizing that its surface contained limitless, natural, healing energy. Earthing or grounding is the act of bringing the earth’s…
Have you ever felt nauseous after hearing bad news or gotten so angry that you felt your blood pressure rise? Emotions can affect your physical health in a variety of ways and East Asian Medicine (EAM) theorizes that each emotion…
The ears are frequently neglected, but they hold a special place in the heart of most East Asian Medicine practitioners. The auricle of the ear, the external, protruding part, is actually a microsystem that represents the whole body. The ear has…
Everyone is affected by stress. There really is no escaping it. It could be from external stressors like work or your family, physical stressors like illness or obesity or psychological stressors like anxiety or depression. Regardless of the source, stress…