As we get deeper into winter and as the “ick” continues to make its way through the population, don’t forget to go back to the basics of health…food is medicine. Food has the power to heal and utilizing traditional recipes…

As we get deeper into winter and as the “ick” continues to make its way through the population, don’t forget to go back to the basics of health…food is medicine. Food has the power to heal and utilizing traditional recipes…
One very important concept in East Asian Medicine (EAM) is the five element theory. This theory describes the basic elements (fire, earth, metal, water and wood) in the body and the inter-relationships of those elements found in nature. Each element corresponds to…
Dairy is a natural food produced by cows to feed and fatten up their calves. Humans did not start drinking milk and eating dairy until the agricultural revolution about 10,000 years ago. In fact, humans are the only species that…
Heart attacks, high blood pressure and the threat of stroke or sudden death are a huge fear for many Americans. After decades of being told that eating salt and saturated fat is the cause of heart disease, it still holds…
East Asian Medicine has an amazing track record because it has been developed and adjusted over a long period of time. This makes it invaluable when it comes to treating a number of health problems, many of which are still…
The lack of vegetable intake in the United States is something I see in my clinic on a regular basis. I hear it all the time, “I don’t like vegetables”. And while it’s ok to not “like” vegetables, it’s not…
If you’ve ever traveled to China, you may have noticed that turkey is not a food that is normally consumed. Part of this is because the turkey is not native to the area. But more importantly, the Chinese do not…
East Asian Medicine is a medical system that is thousands of years old and incorporates many different modalities. EAM theory emphasizes that Mother Nature provides the right kind of food for the right kind of environment. For instance, if the…
The gut microbiome and gut dysbiosis are buzz words right now, but it’s for a good reason. As conventional medicine continues to play catch up with what East Asian Medicine practitioners have known for centuries, the gut microbiome is SO…
There’s a term that is used in East Asian Medicine that frequently gets misinterpreted and misused. This term is qi. There is also something that is a bit of a buzz word in the medical and scientific community right now. …