As a Doctor of natural medicine, I believe strongly in the healing power of nature. So as the cold and flu season approaches, there are many natural approaches to optimizing one’s immune system in order to get yourself ready for…

As a Doctor of natural medicine, I believe strongly in the healing power of nature. So as the cold and flu season approaches, there are many natural approaches to optimizing one’s immune system in order to get yourself ready for…
A torn ACL, menstrual cramps, a broken heart –– life brings all sorts of pain. The good news? You are meant to experience pain. It is your body’s way of signaling stress; your innate intelligence gently aching (or screaming impatiently) to stop,…
Photobiomodulation therapy is defined as the utilization of non-ionizing electromagnetic energy to trigger photochemical changes within cellular structures that are receptive to photons. Mitochondria is particularly receptive to this process. At the cellular level, visible red and near infrared light (NIR)…
In Japanese culture there is something known as Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to “forest bathing”. Studies have demonstrated a wide array of health benefits, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems and for stabilizing and improving mood and cognition. When people remember…
A lot of people are quick to spot treat a problem without really understanding the reason for the problem. If you’re one of those, you’re not alone. It’s the way of the Western medical model to spot treat. What I mean…
In the Western world, most of us have a bias to one style of Medicine: allopathic or western medicine. The normal cycle for most of us who get sick is this: we get sick, we go to the doctor, we…
While those in the field of acupuncture know that it works, because we see the results every day and have extensively studied the archives dating back thousands of years of Chinese medicine, it is always cool when a new study demonstrates…
While there are a few different patterns for insomnia, in Traditional Chinese Medicine all of them include the heart or heat. Try eating calming and cooling foods to help promote deep sleep. Calming foods to eat 1-2 hours before going to bed:…
By: Tenisha Dandridge, L.Ac. If you do a quick google search for the history of acupuncture in America, it will get you a few results. Most notably, is the popular Nixon era story. In 1972 President Nixon’s Secretary of State,…
Did you know shushing someone might actually may be beneficial to your health? There are six healing sounds known to Taoist qi gong practice that vibrate specific organs and promote emotional and physical well-being. It has been shown sound vibrations…